Tuesday 28 May 2013

Borneo Jazz Preview 2013

The Borneo Jazz Festival Preview 2013 was held at Amphitheatre, Taylor Lakeside Campus on 7th May and 8th May 2013. This performance was organized by Taylor University and collaboration by Sarawak Tourism Board (STB). It was just a preview, an official concert was held on 10th May and 11th May 2013 and it is held at Miri, Sarawak. Borneo Jazz Festival was renamed from Miri International Jazz Festival. It was a multi-genre performance as they have dancer dance tradisional dance and live band to perform. Unfortunately, they canceled 7th May 2013 show as the rain was too heavily. It is a pity as all the performers, sound and lighting system were well-prepare but they force to cancel it. The next day which was 8th May 2013, they started the show earlier as they scared the weather was not really fine. The crowd of the show was not as many as last year; we think it was because of local political gathering at Kelana Jaya, it also caused a very terrible traffic jam on highway.

Here are some photo about Borneo Jazz Preview

The Borneo Jazz Festival Preview was just amazing. Although it was a preview, it just liked an official music festival. I could not imagine how great it will be when in the official music festival which will hold on 10th and 11th May 2013 in Miri, Sarawak. The sound system, the lighting system were pretty nice and awesome especially those performers, they were so professional and skillful. Besides of the performers, the event crews were also did a very good job and they are Taylor’s student. It made me feel proud to be Taylor’s student.  This was a pity that they cancelled the first day show as it was raining quite heavily. We have been waiting almost 2 hours to watch the preview but end up they canceled it. Luckily, the second day of the show was running quite smoothly as it was also raining on that day. Every participant enjoyed of the show, I could see their satisfaction from their face. Of course, I was one of them and I was pretty enjoying the show. It was such a shame that there was a local political campaign was held at kelana jaya, and it influenced the crowd on that day.


That's right is FUTSAL! I never try playing futsal before. After joining few lesson of futsal, I felt that it was quite fun :D. Before I start telling y'all about my experience of futsal, I would like to tell y'all the difference between futsal and football. 



Futsal (Five-a-Side Soccer)

#5 Ball#4 Ball - 30% less bounce
11 players5 players
3 substitutionsUnlimited “flying” substitutions (12 Players on a Team)
Running ClockStopped Clock
45 minute halves20 minute halves
No time-outs1 time-out per half
Goal kicksGoal Clearance (throw)
Some contactNo shoulder charges or sliding tackles
No absolute time limit to restart game4-second rule on restarts
Offside RuleNo Offside Rule
Goalkeeper stepsNo restrictions, but limited to 4 seconds
Goalkeeper cannot touch by hand a ball kicked backGoalkeeper cannot touch by hand a ball played back
Unlimited back passes to GoalkeeperOne back pass to Goalkeeper
No sub for player sent offPlayer sent off can be substituted for after 2 minutes or other has scored
Corner kick placed in archCorner kick placed on corner

Can you all see the difference now! They are not SAME :D

Back to my futsal experience. As I said this was my first time playing futsal and I felt it was a really interesting sport. It is very hard to control the ball with your leg. Well, I was pretty enjoy the game when we were playing. Teamwork is really important while you playing futsal. 

Here are some photo when we were warming up before we start the lesson.


Did everyone know what is congkok? I bet all the Malaysian will know about it. It is a Malay tradisional game. They used to play it when those psp, online game were not popular yet. But honestly I never play congkak before. This is a pleasure that I can learn how to play congkak and I was surprise that it was pretty easy and fun to play. I should have played this when I was a child.

Here is it! Congkak~
There are some rules and regulations of congkak and how to playing congkak :

The game begins with seven game pieces (shells, marbles, pebbles or seeds) in each hole except "homes" which remain empty. Congkak requires two players. Each player controls the seven holes on his side of the board and owns the "home" to his left. The goal is to accumulate as many pieces in your own "home".
Initial position
On a turn, a player removes all pieces from one of the seven holes on his side. He then distributes them clockwise --- one in each hole to the left of this hole --- in a process called sowing. Sowing skips an opponent's "home" but not a player's own "home".
If the last piece falls into an occupied hole then all the pieces are removed from that hole, and are sown in the same way (clockwise from that hole) in another round. This player's (current) turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on the opponent's side.
If the last piece falls into an occupied hole then all the pieces are removed from that hole, and are sown in the same way (clockwise from that hole) in another round. This player's (current) turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on the opponent's side.
  • If the last piece sown falls into a player's own "home" then ...
  • ... the player earns another turn, which can begin at any of the seven holes on his side.
  • If the last piece sown falls into an empty hole on his side then ...
  • ... the player captures all the pieces in the hole directly across from this one, on the opponent's side and put them (plus the last piece sown) in his own "home". If the opposing hole is empty, no pieces are captured.
The other player chooses which hole he wishes to start from, removes the pieces and sows them - one in each hole, clockwise from that chosen hole. If a player has no pieces on his side of the board when it is his turn, then he must pass.

The game ends when no pieces are left in any hole on both sides of the board. The players now count the number of pieces in their own "home" and see who has won.

Those information was taken from:http://www.vtaide.com/ASEAN/Malaysia/congkak.html

you can take a look if you are interested!
The End!

Here is some photo when we playing congkak in class :D It was pretty fun as not much of us know how to play the congkak. 

About ME!

Hola, I am Yin Yin, or you can call me Agnes. I am currently studying Bachelor of International Tourism specialized in Event Management in Taylor's Lakeside Campus. I like attending event and that is why I join event management. This course is quite fun and all classmates are friendly and funny. The main reason that I write this blog is because this is part of my assignment and of course I also want to trying out blogging. This is also my very first to blog. I am quite a active girl as I like to hang out with my friend all the time instead of staying at home. I love sport, because exercising will let me feel relaxing and stress free. I am quite glad that we have a sport and recreation class as I can exercise every week and from this subject is also can learnt about the knowledge of sport and recreation. Besides that, I love CARTOON! They are adorable and i watched every single Disney movie. It is Awesome! Can't imagine I am 20 years old and I am a cartoon freak!